How to Choose The Right Drill Pipe
Smart drilling professionals don't rely on dumb luck when choosing their dumb iron. Selecting the right drill pipe for the job is just as important as any other part of the drill string - and will save you time and money. Here are some questions you should take into consideration when choosing your drill pipe. 1. Location related & operational considerations “When in Rome do as the Romans do”. Location is one of the first things you should examine when choosing a drillpipe – which brings up a lot of questions you need to consider: What kind of well are you drilling? Is it a HPHT well or an ordinary oil/gas well? Is it a geothermal well (hydronic bore hole)? Are you drilling onshore or offshore? From a conventional fixed platform or from a floating rig? What well profile are we talking about? Are you drilling a straightforward vertical well or a directed well? Maybe a horizontal or S-shaped wellbore? Choose your drillpipe with the specific well design...